Styll Meditation for Kids

Styll Meditation for Kids

Guess what? Meditation is not just for adults! It’s for all the kiddos too! Did you know that meditation can help kids with focus? Yep...It can also help manage stress and anxiety! Just doing 5 minutes a day will increase a state of calm, and promote happiness. Try out Styll Meditation classes for kids today! We guarantee it will be beneficial and most importantly FUN!

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Styll Meditation for Kids
  • 5 min - Kids walking meditation with Sarah

    Ages 6 - 9yrs old
    Supplies: spoon, water
    Kids learn how to increase their body awareness and walk with intention.

  • 5 Min - Kids Meditation with Sarah

    Ages 6 - 11 yrs old
    Supplies: bowls, dried goods like beans, rice, nuts, or seeds
    This fun activity is meant to get kids out of their heads and connected to their senses.

  • 5 Min - Kids Meditation with Sarah

    Ages 6- 11 yrs old
    In this activity kids learn to notice their breath, and how breathing in different ways affects their emotions. Make an imaginary breathing balloon with your hands and practice coordinating your breath with your breathing balloon.